Canine Amputees: A network and resource for owners of three-legged dogs

3 legged Issues
Dash's Story
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People who are facing the decision of having their dog's leg removed and people who already own three legged dogs all need information or a support group at some point in time. This site is designed with you in mind--you are not alone!

The 3 legged Australian Kelpie mix

The inspiration for this site is Dash, a Kelpie mix who was hit by a car in January of 2005 while he was still a puppy. At the age of 1 year his left front leg was amputated due to paralysis. People always ask if Dash seems to notice that he's "one limb shy of a full jar," and the answer is honestly "no." He had a rather rough recovery, however, which I will share on the following pages. His story is quite touching, as are most tales of dogs who have lost a leg.

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