Canine Amputees: A network and resource for owners of three-legged dogs

Issues Dash's amputation has caused

3 legged Issues
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Now that Dash is in California, I have noticed that he doesn't handle heat well. Our family enjoys hiking and camping on a regular basis and outdoor activities seem to wear Dash out quickly when the weather is warm. In Seattle this was not a problem.
Heat exhaustion is always a concern. I would love to hear from other dog owners who have learned ways to beat the heat, especially with the three legged pooches who have to work a little harder than most.

Dash in his hot dog shirt
I bought this t-shirt for Dash to wear on the hot days. I soak it and stick it in the freezer.


Although Dash is very physically fit, he does face a few problems when going on long hikes or walks. First of all, he tires more quickly than his four legged brother. Also, he sometimes has difficulties with hills. Since he is missing a front limb, it is going downhill rather than uphill that bothers him. All the extra pressure added to that one front leg as he tries to brace himself on a downward descent causes him some grief.
Our way around this problem has been to choose trails that are fairly level when we bring Dash along. We also keep the walks relatively short and pay close attention to how Dash is coping. He lets us know when he's had enough. Number one on my list of things to bring along on a hike is a travel dish and lots of water to keep the dogs hydrated.

Dash's dad carrying him down a trail
Chris carried Dash down this trail when it got steep and Dash was hesitating

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