Canine Amputees: A network and resource for owners of three-legged dogs


3 legged Issues
Dash's Story
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Here's a list of links about three legged dog and amputations. Let me know if there's something else that needs to be included!

American College of Veterinary Surgeons

Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.

Homeward Pet Adoption Center

The homepage of the no-kill shelter where I used to work and where Dash was adopted. Not a canine amputee page, but I wanted to throw it in here to support the shelter dogs

Oscar the three legged-dog's site

Cassie's Three-Legged Dog Club

Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary The amputee dog cart

Taking the Lead

A forum mostly about dog training but with a section on disabled dogs and an informative post about three-legged pooches

An online tripod dog bone cancer resource center

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